Installing Oracle 12c on Ubuntu 12.04 (64 bit)..a hard journey, but it’s worth it!

Posted: July 14, 2015 in Uncategorized


This post will document the steps needed to overcome the installation issues one can encounter when installing the latest release of the Oracle Database 12c. Some of the errors encountered look like the ones on 11c, but since there are quite a few more now, I decided to document these for others as a reference.

Disclaimer: When I set out to tackle the installation errors, my goal was to “make it work, one way or the other”. I’m not running this installation on a production environment, not in the least since Ubuntu 12.04 is not supported, but I needed to have a local database to fiddle with on my local laptop. The solution provided can make a Linux Admin cringe, and if not landing one in a grave, at least make one turn itself over in his/her grave.

I won’t delve into the specific system configuration packages and required settings…

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